Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Questions; will the idea work?!

Is there a need for it?

This is a difficult question to answer. Is there a need for Perf-Art?
Well obviously that's subjective. Some people live for art and dedicate their lives to it, whereas I know others who do not have an artistic bone in their body and live for logic, structure and routine. Which by no means is wrong, absolutely not, but if I were to ask these people if they thought there was a need for Perf-Art they would tell me there is no need for ANY art. And I mean come on... there's a need for art.

I think there is a need for art to keep evolving and changing, and that Perf-Art is just a part of that process. So, long story short; YES. There is a need for it.

Is the need a long term one?

Perf-Art as an art that gets exhibited is probably not something that is needed in the long term. Art evolves and changes over the years, and what is now contemporary art will change in time. However, if you looked at Perf-Art as not so much something that people can come and view, but as something that personally benefits the people who TAKE PART in it (ie. the "Perf-Artists") then I think there's a possibility it could stick around for a while. In my mind Perf-Art is something terribly therapeutic, and given the chance I would LOVE to be placed in a small private space with loud music and paint and the chance to let go and let my mind and body freak out and do whatever the hell they want. It would be amazing to just let go of everything in an incredibly safe environment.

Does your product perform?

Perf-Art is not an appliance, or a tool that can be broken. There is no right or wrong to Perf-Art. It is art, it is expression, it is what it is.

Do you know your competitors?

It's hard to talk of competitors with art. Hundreds of people paint portraits and hundreds of people make money from painting portraits. If you have talent, and people like your style, they'll come to you whether there's competitors or not.

HOWEVER, yes! We have found someone who has done something SIMILAR! It is in no way, shape or form the same, but I suppose you could say it is a basic form of what we are trying to achieve. It's called Paint Dancing.

Perf-Art is taking Paint Dancing to the next level however, adding more to it, and exhibiting the outcome.

Is your pricing realistic?

For people to be able to see Perf-Art it will not cost much at all, if anything. We are not aiming for Perf-Art to be a profit making project. The only money we acquire will go towards getting Perf-Art up and running.

Is it within your own capacity to do it?

The biggest problem for Perf-Art would be the funding aspect of it. However there are ways and means to get around that, which include donations (whether that be from sponsors or from people who'd like to get involved in the project), private funding, getting an art gallery onto the idea and allowing them to allow us to use their facilities!, or even turning Perf-Art into one great big collaboration that a university tute group puts on or a high school class, and getting funds from said institution. Once we're passed that burden, it is definitely within out capacity.

We know enough people with enough skills (and that includes us (Dom and me)) to get this idea up and running!

Does it have growth potential?

If people like the idea, and the facilities, Perf-Art could be done anywhere by anyone. Even if they don't want to exhibit the work and they just want to do it in private for a personal benefit.

What if it doesn’t work?

It definitely is a big risk, and it may not work. However, even if this idea isn't taken on too kindly by the public, for me it would be well worth it just for the experience. And of course they loss of money and time would hurt, but because this was never a profit making project, the disappointment would not be incredibly drastic.

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